The race begins. It's Wednesday evening. American Idol is on. I hate that show. Not for some very good reason, I just find it dull. I'm sure like, technically, it's good for some reason. It has to be right?
I had a banana and some blueberries for dinner tonight. It was good. I didn't really get enough fiber yesterday. I should go get more of those little whole grain sandwhich halves. I don't always eat fiber, but when I do I like to take 200% my daily recommended value in the morning though. :3
I have an unusual aversion to commas today. I don't know why. It's probably because truthfully I don't understand them fully. I think technically I could have used a comma there. I don't know. I'm really bad at my own language. I can speak it well enough I suppose though.
I really like Crystal Castles. Like more than a friend. That type of music is just right. I want to get down with Nasse Laila to that type of music. (by the way nasse-laila.tv4everbro) It would be magical. That kind of music makes me not feel so bad about doing coke from time to time. I'm heavily influenced by their sense of style and their whole sense of things is really happening. I'd like to do a similar thing with a boombox. Just have a rhythm machine outing to a boombox through a lot of cool guitar effects. Then sing bitcrush vocals on top of it with a cool delay. That would be sweet. I'm going to do that.
I discovered a new workflow today that I may find useful later on. Basically, it's recording a part on top of drums and then taking the drums out later once that track is more developed. Then you have little parts and an atmosphere that's tied together, but you can't really tell why. It's sort of hard to explain but it's a simple idea. I think it would be cool to use the MIDI drum trigger with the sticks to play things other than drum samples. I think playing bass on the MPC is really the way to go. It's funner playing the Fender though.
I wonder about what Eric Clapton was thinking when he was in Cream. I think I'm approaching something similar. I have these romantic, youthful ideas about using a really overdriven Marshall to fill out the mid-range frequency in the band's sound. Like a baritone sort of. I think I'll tune my guitar down later. I'm discovering a lot of really neat ground by trying to find harmonies that aren't just that standard 0-5-7-9-12 sort of thing. I think there's some place for some Muse'y kind of riffs. I really like Muse. It'd be cool to be in a band like that. I bet they really have a spaceship too. I don't like playing blues though really. I feel like I'll always be compared to John Mayer and he's a lot better than I am. I like playing those notes though. My blues is more an appalacia thing. I like blues riffs that remind me of Antarctica more than ones that remind me of a swamp in the South personally.
I suppose I'll watch some Nadia tonight. I don't really get how Blogger works yet. Visit my YouTube if you want.
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“To be an artist means never to avert one's eyes.” --Akira Kurosawa.