Friday, February 22, 2013

My first pop song and other things.

Hey thur.

It turns out Morrissey really did get cancelled after all. Postponed I should say. It's a drag. It affords me some time I guess though.

There's this girl I used to like that re-added me on my newly conceived Facebook. That's kind of nice.

There's these people that lock me into these negativity cycles. Ugh. Love each other. Love each other He said.

I'd really like a girlfriend. I mean, I could go get one and everything, but I'd like a good one. Someone that's really inspiring. Only a few people come to mind that are pretty inspiring and they mostly have dicks. Not that I'm averted to dicks or anything. I just need somebody not for a dicks for a while. Just for a while.

Still. I wake up in the morning with this wonderful kind of lonely. I imagine getting up and making things with olive oil for somebody. I imagine if that Secret thing is real, I'm doing my part. I think it will happen. It's happened to lesser and greater people that I. Still, the same thing could be said of the alternative.

I have friends that I really miss. It's alright though. I'm not mopey about it. It's nice having things to miss. Imagine seeing them again, even if just for the novelty. I'd like to meet them at R.C Willey personally. Then we can discuss each other's changed beliefs in furniture style. It will be stimulating to say the least.

No. I really am missing certain people.

Well! As for the happy things, this is my first pop song that I actually wrote and then recorded. It took about 2 hours, roughly. I think it's pretty colorful.


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