Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Creative Commons: Field Recording: Dawn.

This is a field recording taken from my porch. I recorded it with the little bricky, grey thing that has two mic inputs on it. I think it went pretty well. I like recording with the portable recorder more than my MacBook. The battery lasts longer. Maybe I'll get one of those IPad cover things that has a mixer built in. That'll be sweet.

I'm selling my car and buying a Rickenbacker 12 String next week. Don't tell my parents. They're gonna be pissed. It's ok though. I'll use that shit to take over the world. My evil scheme is coming together nicely. Lord don't slow me down.

Oh. I recently became a Mormon. It's pretty great. I don't call it Mormonism or LDS though. I call it Love or Celestial. My brothers and sisters spend way too much time trying to convert people, and too little time celebrating the essence of God inside them. That's ok though. I get it. I'm not going to put their work down. I'm still going to do my thing though. I'm kicking cigarettes, coffee, tea, (save White Tea) and meat (save Fish) but I'm still going to drink beer, wine, and smoke weed and do acid and stuff sometimes. It's all a matter of taste. God wants us to be tasteful. That's what I think anyways. I could be wrong. I'm still an American Transcendentalist. Still a Christian. Still me, I've just given up on that bullshit, teenage rebellion phase. I'm evolving. Becoming enlightened (Kant) It feels good.

This is the clip. It's Creative Commons so use it to your liking. The photo is Creative Commons too, so if you find a tasteful to use it, feel free. If you use it distastefully (I don't know how you could) then shame on you I guess.


"I make films and records. You might think they're shit, but let's see all the records and films you've made. Oh wait. You haven't made any. That's right."
--In a slightly rude mood. Kai.

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